This recently located photo was taken at our 60th Birthday Reunion in August 2008. Can anyone name all the classmates? Please, does anyone have any other photos to share from the 60th Birthday celebration? Come on you guys...half of a photo? Someone has to be holding out!  What about a story or other information about the reunion?


4OTH REUNION - JULY 29, 2006

STARTING BACK ROW: Bruce Trowman, Barbara Solnik, Andy Allen, Dwight Woessner, P.J. Shank, Bill Kistner, Gary Goldflies, John Bodey, Larry Grossnickle, Mark Vangrov, Suzy Wellbaum, Janice Folker, Marti Hoover, Linda SchoIl, Steve Cruea, Murray Horwitz, Jeri Jones, Linda Cremeens, Karen Dicken, Ginny Dilts, Dan Hecker, Tom Kender, Mike Bowers, Forest Midlam, Don Moshos, Linda Poynter, Don Kitain, Scott Kelso, Janice Baron, Sandie Sturdivant, Alice Nierenberg, Bob Perkins, Bob Long, Diana Recker, Deedy Dryden, Carole Kehl, Mary Nancy Smith, Nancy Havens, Bonnie Bloom, Nancy Marker, Phyllis Teplitz, Joyce Rossell, Karin Hendrickson, Jim McLefresh, Rick Bader, Carol Scherer, Susie Harris, June Stover, Penny Ackley, Brenda Human, Kathryn Russell, Millard Russell, "The Fairview Bulldog"

The reunion was held at Miami Valley Golf Course Club House. As many remember it is located near Fairview High School. The club house faces Salem Avenue and the golf course backs up to Philadelphia Drive directly across the street from Fairview. It was a familiar location for the many who returned to Dayton for the reunion.

Nancy Marker Steinert Nancy Marker (wearing bright pink) and others seem to be listening to the Fairview Bulldog.
Nancy Marker Steinert Nancy Marker (wearing bright pink) and others seem to be listening to the Fairview Bulldog.

Susie Harris and Alice Nierenberg
Susie Harris and Alice Nierenberg

Don Kitain
Don Kitain

One of the evening's events included a very competitive game of musical chairs. These old dogs definitely had some new tricks. What entertainment!
One of the evening's events included a very competitive game of musical chairs. These old dogs definitely had some new tricks. What entertainment!
Nancy enjoying the antics of Gary Goldflies, Bruce Trowman and Larry Grossnickle.
Nancy enjoying the antics of Gary Goldflies, Bruce Trowman and Larry Grossnickle.
Marti Hoover Kistner and Bill Kistner dancing the night            

away. The music was brought to us by classmate Deedy 
Dryden Humphrey and her husband Larry Humphrey. Deedy and Larry own DJ's Unlimited and provide music and entertainmen
Marti Hoover Kistner and Bill Kistner dancing the night away. The music was brought to us by classmate Deedy Dryden Humphrey and her husband Larry Humphrey. Deedy and Larry own DJ's Unlimited and provide music and entertainmen

There are many more photos from the 40th Reunion and other reunions, including the 50th Birthday Reunion, on the "Photo Album" page of this website. Enjoy!