Planting seeds. Honing skills. Deepening our budding friendships. Setting the stage for the futures we could only imagine.


If you look carefully at these photos, the people we have become are already working their way to the surface. It didn’t matter if it was a play (usually with the best comic timing - looking at you, Murray Horwitz), or the design sets for our plays, our choreographed dances, or any events, in hindsight it’s clear who we were becoming.


Go ahead. Indulge yourself. Look at all these programs and photos. Isn’t it wonderful to peer at these past moments with lenses of our current knowledge, and to see with fresh eyes, who and what we are today, for our friends, our families and each other?

Written in January 2024 by Alan Colley, FHS Class '66


Rehearsal for Fairview's production of
Rehearsal for Fairview's production of "Charlie's Aunt" took a certain amount of line direction. The cast listened to Director Mr. Binkley. The cast shown are front, Ellen Phillips; second row, Polly Grimsley, Sandie Sturdivant and Pat Patterson; third ro
Murray Horwitz, surrounded by fellow cast members left, Sharon Sickels, and right, Ginny Dilts. They were getting into character for our April 2, 1965 Junior Class Play
Murray Horwitz, surrounded by fellow cast members left, Sharon Sickels, and right, Ginny Dilts. They were getting into character for our April 2, 1965 Junior Class Play "Charlie's Aunt" performed in the FHS auditorium. (photo courtesy of Tom McLefresh and
Patience was the key word for Director Mr. Binkley as he went over the plays notes with Student Director Jim McLefresh for our Junior Class Play
Patience was the key word for Director Mr. Binkley as he went over the plays notes with Student Director Jim McLefresh for our Junior Class Play "Charlie's Aunt" presented April 2, 1965 in the FHS auditorium. (photo courtesy of Tom McLefresh and Jim McLef




The photo above shows the cast of our senior class play,
The photo above shows the cast of our senior class play, "Dear Ruth". Shown in the back row are Susan Chudde, Barry Todd, Jan Eckert, Jon Katz, Janice Baron, Bruce McKinney, Ginny Dilts, Charlie Berry, Sandie, Studivant, Don Kitain. Sitting in front are t







Homecoming Dance the Fall 1965. Connie Botts-Sophomore Att., Linda Cremeens-Senior Att., Jeri Jones-Queen, Rick McCune-King, Sue Stafford-Junior Att., Shelly Goldflies-Freshman Att.
Homecoming Dance the Fall 1965. Connie Botts-Sophomore Att., Linda Cremeens-Senior Att., Jeri Jones-Queen, Rick McCune-King, Sue Stafford-Junior Att., Shelly Goldflies-Freshman Att.

Homecoming King Rick McCune and Queen Jeri Jones, class of 1966
Homecoming King Rick McCune and Queen Jeri Jones, class of 1966


Queen Candy Goldflies

Our Sweetheart Queen for 1966 was Candy Goldflies. She is shown here smiling radiantly after being crowned.
Our Sweetheart Queen for 1966 was Candy Goldflies. She is shown here smiling radiantly after being crowned.
Awaiting arrival of the 1966 Sweetheart Queen are: Joyce Weinstein, Sophomore Att.; Jan Eckert, Senior Att.; Linda Hittepole, Junior Att.; Donna Lee Wilson, Freshman Att.
Awaiting arrival of the 1966 Sweetheart Queen are: Joyce Weinstein, Sophomore Att.; Jan Eckert, Senior Att.; Linda Hittepole, Junior Att.; Donna Lee Wilson, Freshman Att.


MAY DAY 1966
Our Queen Bonnie Bloom and King Reed Putnam
Our 1966 May Day King and Queen. Reed Putnam and Bonnie Bloom.
Our 1966 May Day King and Queen. Reed Putnam and Bonnie Bloom.

At the evening's 1966 May Day Dance are Queen, Bonnie Bloom and King, Reed Putnam. Both are shown in the center of the photo.  Also included are the May Day Attendants. Lonn Jackson and Nancy Mathews, Junior Atts. Dwight Woessner and Linda Cremeens, Senio
At the evening's 1966 May Day Dance are Queen, Bonnie Bloom and King, Reed Putnam. Both are shown in the center of the photo. Also included are the May Day Attendants. Lonn Jackson and Nancy Mathews, Junior Atts. Dwight Woessner and Linda Cremeens, Senio



Queen Cris Dabbelt

May Day Queen 1965 Cris Dabbelt
May Day Queen 1965 Cris Dabbelt

1965 May Day Queen Cris Dabbelt being crowned by the 1964 Queen, Karen Bernt.
1965 May Day Queen Cris Dabbelt being crowned by the 1964 Queen, Karen Bernt.

​To view the inside of the program, click on the Rose.


1965 May Day Queen and her Court. Joe Egan, Sen. Att.; Ann Stafford, Sen. Att.; Jennifer Gadd, Crown Bearer; Jim Swank, Att.; Cris Dabbelt, Queen; Linda Cremeens, Jr. Att.; Scott Kelso, Jr. Att.
1965 May Day Queen and her Court. Joe Egan, Sen. Att.; Ann Stafford, Sen. Att.; Jennifer Gadd, Crown Bearer; Jim Swank, Att.; Cris Dabbelt, Queen; Linda Cremeens, Jr. Att.; Scott Kelso, Jr. Att.

The traditional May Pole Dance adds beauty to the 1965 May Day celebrations.
The traditional May Pole Dance adds beauty to the 1965 May Day celebrations.



Early Fairview High School May Day. This photo was cropped from a Tower News page that is shown on the Tower News Revisited section of this website. Courtesy of Charles Schommer, Class of 1944.
Early Fairview High School May Day. This photo was cropped from a Tower News page that is shown on the Tower News Revisited section of this website. Courtesy of Charles Schommer, Class of 1944.